This is Why They Seek Us Out!

September 22, 2021
One of the questions I get asked often is, what else do you guys do in addition to health insurance?

Well, that's a great question and I really appreciate it when someone asks us that, because it means they've been happy with our service and they would like to see if we can help them in other areas.

Well, I believe in following your strengths, and even though I have done many things over the years, right now, our strengths lie in three main areas.

Number one is in the area of health insurance and Medicare plans.

This is where most people seek us out because we have developed an expertise and a great reputation on being able to guide people through this confusing area.

My wife Pari, handles all of the Medicare plans for our clients, and I do all the rest, including health insurance, life insurance, and investment products.

The second area of my expertise is in the area of life insurance.

I started in the financial services about 30 years ago on the life insurance side and it is still one of my core strengths. We represent most of the top insurance companies out there and can show you how you can use life insurance, not only to build a tax free retirement plan, but also pay for your long-term care needs.

Our term-life quote engine makes it easier for us to compare over 175 different companies to help you find the lowest rates. And with our expertise, we can help you choose a policy or policies based on your needs. The modern life insurance policies come with so many living in benefits that most people do not even realize. And I'm happy to talk to you more about this if you're interested.  

The third main area which we can help is in the area of safer investment options for seniors and conservative investors.

Hey, not everyone is cut out for the ups and downs of the stock market, and that is why many people have settled for low interest rates on bank CDs. But if you're not keeping up with inflation, that could spell disaster over a long period of time.


But the good news is, there are some good alternatives that you should consider if you're looking for a little more safety plus a reasonable rate of return.  

Now, we can do a whole lot more than what I just mentioned.


But if someone was to ask me, "What are your biggest strengths?" I would say help you find affordable health insurance, life insurance, and invest your money a little more safely.


My wife Pari and I really enjoy doing what we do and also working with people of all walks of life. And we thank you for allowing us to serve you. If we can help you with your life, health or investment needs, please feel free to contact us.


We look forward to talking to you.

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